Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Destin Day 2

We hit the beach today in Destin. Actually we were on Okaloosa Island next to the Okaloosa Pier. The boys were so funny to watch as they encountered the beach and ocean for the very first time. Copper thought it was snow as we were driving up, and Conner just stood there and stared at it once we got out onto it. Once they realized they could walk on it, we were on our way to the water. Cooper said the sand reminded him of whip cream and Conner kept calling it a sandbox. "I play in the sand box.", "There's a bird on the sandbox." It was very cute. Cooper went straight into the water, but Conner was scared at first. He asked me when they were going to turn off the waves, like they do at NRH2O. I had to break the bad news to him that they never turn off. After building some sand castles with Daddy, he warmed up slowly to the water. Cooper later decided that he didn't ever want to come back because it tasted so yucky. After lunch and some more swimming and castle building we took a walk down the long pier. We saw tons of little fish, and a few dolphins, as well as lots of different kinds of birds. I've attached the video of the dolphin we saw. It was very exciting as you will hear. We had a great day!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

still no video...what's up with that????

September 18, 2007 at 10:07:00 PM CDT

Blogger McCullough Family said...

Fun!! Glad you are having fun and glad you joined the blogging world :)

September 19, 2007 at 8:50:00 AM CDT


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