Friday, September 21, 2007

Sunset on the Beach

We got all dressed up and headed to the beach for some pictures. We had a hard time finding someone to take it for us, but we eventually got someone. We had to walk a ways down so that we didn't disturb the wedding that was about to start. The sunset was so beautiful and the weather was amazing. The boys were not thrilled about taking a bunch of pictures, but we got some pretty good ones. We saw a family there using a professional photographer, so we got his card and plan on using him next year. He looked like he was getting some great shots. After the pictures we headed to Jimmy Buffet's new restaurant "Cheesburger in Paradise". The food was really good, and lots of fun. We had a great night.



Blogger McCullough Family said...

I love the pictures of the 2 boys! so cute!!

September 24, 2007 at 9:16:00 PM CDT


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