Saturday, September 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!

I had planned on doing something to celebrate Day's birthday once we got here, but wansn't sure what. Much to my delight, there was a Dollar Tree and a Walmart within walking distance from our condo. So with some sneaky work to get out by myself, I hit the Dollar Tree for some party stuff and Walmart for a small cake. I hid everything in a cabinet in the kitchen until the next morning at 6:30 a.m. when I woke up early to decorate the condo. Lucky for me Cooper was awake to "help" me. We pulled it off just in time for him to wake up. He was very surprised and touched that we did all of that just for him. I didn't realize until then that I had forgotten a lighter for the candles. After a long search for some matches or a lighter, he finally made a quick trip to the dollar tree himself, to buy a lighter for us to sing happy birhtday to him, so he could really blow out his candles. After lighting all 30 of the candles, we were afraid the fire alarm would go off, so we blew them out and cut the total down to three. I can only assume that his wish was to spend the next 12 hours driving home, because that's all we got to do for his birthday. We had plans to go out for a nice dinner and then head home after that, but mother nature had other plans. The "Tropical Depression" was turning and heading straight for Destin, so we left around 6:30 and had some Arby's on the road. Not quite the day he had planned, but we'll keep celebrating all weekend. I love you babe, and can't wait to spend the next 30 years with you! (and then some:)


Friday, September 21, 2007

Sunset on the Beach

We got all dressed up and headed to the beach for some pictures. We had a hard time finding someone to take it for us, but we eventually got someone. We had to walk a ways down so that we didn't disturb the wedding that was about to start. The sunset was so beautiful and the weather was amazing. The boys were not thrilled about taking a bunch of pictures, but we got some pretty good ones. We saw a family there using a professional photographer, so we got his card and plan on using him next year. He looked like he was getting some great shots. After the pictures we headed to Jimmy Buffet's new restaurant "Cheesburger in Paradise". The food was really good, and lots of fun. We had a great night.


Check out my Slide Show!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Destin: Day 4

We started off today with a little bit of relaxation and took it easy this morning, both of the boys wanted to swim at the condo pool, so we went out this morning and swam for a couple of hours. After that we headed to lunch at good ole' Chick-fil-a, and then to Fudpuckers, a place where you can see and feed live alligators. The boys were determined to try to feed an alligator but they were to busy crawling on each other and sleeping to eat. We did get to hold an alligator and Conner was very scared of the alligator..

We are going to try to go to the beach today, but the first part of this tropical depression is making it's way in today and it's now cloudy and getting very windy...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Destin: Day 3

Today we headed off to Henderson Beach State Park, which is basically right across the street from our condo. It is a great park and has a really nice sandbar that makes it really easy for the kids to play. After some fun at the beach we went back to the condo for a quick rest and then we were off for a Dolphin Sunset cruise throught the Gulf of Mexico. It was a great 2 hour cruise where we saw lots of dolphins, caught a crab and saw a gorgeous sunset...Too bad our camera battery died about an hour into the cruise...but here are some of the pics we got through the day..


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A night out in Destin!

After our fun day at the beach we got cleaned up and headed to a really cool shopping center called the Destin Commons. It is a beautiful outdoor mall. Sort of like the new Higlands, but a little nicer. They also had a fun play place that was outdoors, similar to the one inside the Parks Mall. We had dinner at Panera Bread, and the boys played. Mom did some shopping at Kirklands, then we had some ice cream and called it a night. The weather is so great here, no humidity and cool breezes! We're not coming home!

Destin Day 2

We hit the beach today in Destin. Actually we were on Okaloosa Island next to the Okaloosa Pier. The boys were so funny to watch as they encountered the beach and ocean for the very first time. Copper thought it was snow as we were driving up, and Conner just stood there and stared at it once we got out onto it. Once they realized they could walk on it, we were on our way to the water. Cooper said the sand reminded him of whip cream and Conner kept calling it a sandbox. "I play in the sand box.", "There's a bird on the sandbox." It was very cute. Cooper went straight into the water, but Conner was scared at first. He asked me when they were going to turn off the waves, like they do at NRH2O. I had to break the bad news to him that they never turn off. After building some sand castles with Daddy, he warmed up slowly to the water. Cooper later decided that he didn't ever want to come back because it tasted so yucky. After lunch and some more swimming and castle building we took a walk down the long pier. We saw tons of little fish, and a few dolphins, as well as lots of different kinds of birds. I've attached the video of the dolphin we saw. It was very exciting as you will hear. We had a great day!


Monday, September 17, 2007

Destin: Day 1

Well we arrived in Destin after a long nights drive from Mansfield, it took us about 11 hours and 15 minutes, and from Door to Door it was 737.6 miles, well it was probably a little less than that since I took wrong turn outside of Destin and ended up at Englin Airforce base, where the soldier kindly asked me to turn around..

Here are some pics!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Carter and the Dog

Our family friend Leah came over tonight with her "child" Diesel. Carter loves Diesel and he knows no fear...Here are some pics of Carter and Diesel getting acquainted.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Cooper and Conner: First week of School

Mommy praying with the boys before school.

They are ready to go!

Cooper and Conner started school this week, this is Cooper's second year and Conner's first year. Both of their teachers had nothing but nice things to say about them and that makes Mom and Dad very happy..